Emerson Go Loggers are advanced tools specially designed for monitoring and identifying problems that may occur within the supply chain, using historical data concerning shipping and storage.

Monitoring time and temperature data of your perishable products during distribution and storage doesn’t have to be cumbersome, complicated or expensive.

With EMERSON GO Loggers you’ll gain visibility into historical trip or shipment data, so you can know what happens to your cargo when it is outside of your direct control.

These insights allow you to uncover areas of improvement within your supply chain and pinpoint issues that impact food quality and safety decisions. GO Loggers are also available with pre-programmed temperature ranges and visual temperature breach alerts.

They include an embedded NIST calibration certificate and PDF report.



A versatile solution for cold chain monitoring. Reusable and configurable, depending on the model, GO USB loggers measure an external temperature and, thanks to a probe, an internal temperature, as well as the humidity of the surrounding environment.

Thanks to the LCD display and user configuration options, loggers are suitable for closed-loop scenarios as well as import/export applications. Depending on product model, the loggers measure ambient temperature and humidity, ambient temperature only, or ambient temperature and probe temperature. A range of useful information such as mean kinetic temperature, minimum and maximum temperatures and humidity, average temperature, alerts, and much more is presented in a secure PDF report which is generated automatically when connected to a PC.

The configuration software allows users to customize the loggers to meet their cold chain measurement needs.

Data gathered and stored can be easily shared among key stakeholders. An audit trail is also generated within the PDF report with time stamps showing marked events and handling of the logger.

GO Usb loggers are provided with a calibration certificate.



EMERSON GO Bluetooth Plus

Reusable full data loggers that log external and internal temperatures and humidity. After logging, data is transferred wirelessly to most Bluetooth-enabled Android and iOS phones and tablets via the GO BT Reader Mobile App. Data is received up to 30 meters (100 feet) away, eliminating the need for proprietary readers and software. For ease of use, the mobile application displays temperature and humidity data in a single graph.

The probe provides a wider temperature operating range and enables users to take both internal and external temperature readings. Loggers sample temperature every five minutes and both the temperature sensor and associated probe are NIST traceable.